
We’re getting closer and closer to our required goal of 450 pre-orders for the new Blue Ridge Parkway license plate in Virginia. To show our thanks, we’re entering every current plate applicant’s name, and those who order by August 31, in a drawing to win a $100 gift card to Mast General Store. You can use it at any location or online to shop for outdoor gear, clothes, and more.
When you refer a friend, you get another entry! So tell your pals, family members, neighbors, and coworkers to order the new plate to increase your chances of winning. If you haven’t ordered yet, please click here to fill out the easy application or print and mail in form. You can only order through our site right now. If you’ve already ordered, you’ve already entered!
Parkway lovers in North Carolina, we are so grateful for your plate purchases, too. Thanks to you, proceeds totaled more than $500,000 last year for the Parkway, plus additions funds for wildflower planting along the state's highways.
You can enter a separate annual giveaway for a chance to win a $100 gift card to Mast General Store. Whether you’ve had your plate for years or just received it in the mail, you’re eligible to win when you register here.